Initiated in November 1992, Campaign Against Child Labour (CACL), address the question of child labour not as a welfare issue but as a persisting social problem in the context of the existing inequalities and exploitative socio-economic practices in the country, and as a violation of a child’s basic human rights. One of the significant aspects of this campaign is the effective bridging of the field-level grassroots interventions with systematic advocacy efforts at state and national level to influence the policy makers. CACL has realistically linked the objectives of the campaign in a long-term perspective of social change. CACL Aims total eradication of child labour and ensuring children the Fundamental Right to Education up to 18 years of age.
It was a shocking news for majority of the communities of various project areas of Baliga Trust dwelling in slums and resettlement colonies in North, North West, East and South East districts of Delhi when lockdown due to COVID19 declared by the Central Government from 24th March 2020 onwards. These areas are inhabited by primarily migrant workers with lower socio economic background. People are belonging to informal sector and daily wage earners such as factory labourers, daily wagers, rickshaw pullers, construction workers and cleaners. They lost their jobs and suffering for their food which ultimately put question mark on their survival. Baliga Trust has been working on the issues of education, livelihood, child rights, women’s empowerment, health and environment with the support from various donors. We have a strong rapport with the community in these areas as community-based approach is followed since beginning of our intervention.
Fundamental Right to Education up to 18 years of age.